Workplace Assessments

360 degree feedback is a multi-rater process that offers an employee the opportunity to receive feedback from their manager/supervisor, direct reports (if applicable) co-workers and sometimes clients. Most 360 degree feedback tools also include a self-assessment. With feedback from multiple sources this method produces a well-rounded view of employees’ performance, competencies and workplace behaviours for the purpose of professional development.

A 360-degree feedback process can be conducted on employees at all levels, with potential benefits including;

  • Identifying strengths and challenges
  • Motivating change
  • Creating a professional development plan
  • Identifying training needs
  • Providing base line for future development
  • Assisting with performance reviews

Using the right tool is vital for valid feedback. Several options are available including:

Existing Survey

There are a number of existing 360-degree feedback tools containing a wide-range of categories and items that we can administered for you.

Customised Survey

A tailored 360-degree assessment; allows for customised content that meets the specific demands of the role and the organisation. This involves identify critical competencies, then linking them to observable behaviours.

Combination of Both

If an assessment tool meets most of an organisation’s needs but requires some adjustments to content to capture unique components, a combination of an existing tool with some customisation can provide the best fit.

We will work with you to determine/develop a 360-feedback tool with measurable competencies relevant to your organisation’s core values, mission and strategic plan and assist you with its implementation. We then conduct a feedback session with the employee to assist them gain valuable insights and create an action-oriented professional development plan. As behavioural specialists our team take into account your employees’ attributes and intrinsic motivators that drive performance. This allows for professional development plan that is both aligned to their role and in keeping with their personal characteristics.

Effective feedback processes are imperative to employee motivation, commitment and engagement. Successful organisations recognise this and continually strive to evaluate and guide employees towards improvement and growth.

Psychosocial Risk Assessment

Psychosocial hazards assessments examines staffs’ risk to psychological harm. Our assessments allow organisations to identify and mitigate psychological hazards, subsequently reducing the risk of stress creating a healthy and productive workplace.

Training and Development

Our customised learning and development packages encompass all areas of professional workplace training; including needs assessment, workshop design and development, facilitation and transference of new skills to the workplace.

Anti-Bullying and Harassment

Workplace bullying has important implications for the health and well-being of employees and the productivity of organisations. We can work with you to prevent bullying as well as address existing bullying behaviours at an individual level and a systemic level.

Staff Well-Being

We can offer your organisation a tailored Employee Wellness Program to assist your staff manage workplace and personal challenges that may be having a negative impact on their performance. Our aim is to reduce the chance of stress by enhancing emotional, psychological and general well-being of you employees.

Contact Us

Perth, Western Australia
Phone: 0438 942 924