I have a problem with the notion of ‘mum guilt’, this is why we shouldn’t accept it.
Kim Cullen often hears mothers say they feel mum guilt for all sorts of reasons: the most common one being – not giving enough time to their kids and not giving enough time to their work. Before acting on this guilt, ask yourself four questions.
Navigating Festive Fatigue
So many people think they manage their stress well, but Kim Cullen believes that most people actually contain it. Stress often accumulates over the year and a lot of us hold that stress at bay until we are on holidays. Then we add Christmas into the mix and it adds even more pressure; it’s got […]
How best to role model working life to our children.
It’s a common theme for working mothers; struggling to be present for work but also function as a parent. Psychologist, Kim Cullen, has experienced doing just that. Working mothers are role modelling – to their daughters in particular – on how they can manage their future lives as a working mother. “I would say this […]