McGowan’s exit shows power in vulnerability.
Kim spoke to The West Australian about burn out as WA’s Premier, Mark McGowan, announces his resignation.
New Years resolutions and how to avoid falling off.
Kim spoke to Pat Panetta about setting New Years resolutions and how to avoid falling off. Picking little things to support your overall goal will help you succeed. It takes time to change habits, particularly long term embedded behaviours. Reward the baby steps, but make sure they don’t undo your progress!
How do you make New Years resolutions stick?
Psychologist Kim Cullen chats to Monika Cos about why 80% of us abandon our New Years resolutions by February. Relying on our good intentions alone isn’t enough. Setting realistic and clear resolutions will increase the likelihood that you’ll stick to them. You’ll see a lot more success making small daily or weekly changes rather than making one […]
Family dynamics and Christmas.
Kim spoke to Allan and Carly on Hit about family dynamics at Christmas, and how to ease what can be a very painful time for many people.
Why do we lose the plot at Christmas parties?
Bill Woods chats to Kim about why we tend to let loose a bit more at work Christmas parties… and how to deal with the embarrassment the morning after!
Can you see mental illness?
It’s often said that you can see physical illness but you can’t see mental illness. But while you can’t see the cause of mental illness you can see the signs that someone is suffering. Kim spoke to Bill Woods on 2GB during Mental Health Month (October). “Look for social withdrawal, poor concentration, prolonged sadness, changes […]
Empathetic Culture the perfect buffer to COVID and cost-of-living challenges
Kim spoke to The West Australian about burn out in WA businesses.
How to beat 5 common stress triggers

Stress is your body’s fight or flight reaction and it kicks in when you believe life’s demands outweigh your ability to cope. And when it continues to build, ‘distressing’ can get tricky. Kim Cullen spoke to The House of Wellness about common triggers and how to deal with them.
Courage under fire

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues, stories emerge of the bravery demonstrated by citizens who are choosing to fight back. From a safe distance, we see civilians collectively take up arms, individuals who stand in front of tanks and one determined Ukraine women offering sunflower seeds to a Russian soldier, stating “so flowers will grow […]
I have a problem with the notion of ‘mum guilt’, this is why we shouldn’t accept it.
Kim Cullen often hears mothers say they feel mum guilt for all sorts of reasons: the most common one being – not giving enough time to their kids and not giving enough time to their work. Before acting on this guilt, ask yourself four questions.